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'the best way to predict your future is to create it'' -Peter Drucker


Career & Organizational Development

reinventing your career

We are living in a historic, disruptive, and challenging time: we are moving from the third to the fourth industrial revolution. We witness day by day how science, technology, and social movements are transforming our society at a dizzying speed. The world of the future has already shown its face in our present and calls for a necessary change in our understanding of human labor and, therefore, our professional identity.

In the past, we entrusted companies with our career plan, today they are looking for ‘Talent’; in the search for the new knowledge worker, they pursue a new ‘service provider’ with a collaborative and agile mindset with a growing number of skills, at an increasingly competitive level.


In a world that has become exceedingly complex due to its volatility, uncertainty, and ambiguity, a new generation of self-motivated and innovative leaders capable of managing their career, are required as solution providers who can understand and lead the challenges of this new society.


Our career won’t be defined as a synonym of work anymore, because it has increased its complexity and has become ‘liquid’: influencing everything we do, and whatever we do, consequently determines our careers.

The decisions taken in its field are vital: It shapes our identity and re-frames the way we interact with the world, it’s linked to our economy, influences emotional health, and contributes to the quality of our relationships at any level. Therefore, managing our careers properly is relevant to enable a balance between personal satisfaction and productivity in organizations.

'We not only have to reinvent our organizations; we must reinvent ourselves as well. -Bill Fischer

In this new scenario where innovation meets value creation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and career management, we propose a set of solutions for professionals, entrepreneurs, and managers who seek to ‘reinvent themselves’ to improve their productivity and quality of life. These aspects are fundamental to the development of any healthy organization.


How do you develop personally and professionally and become the architect of your future while creating value in organizational systems?


At Eurocoaching, we are committed to providing practical, effective, and high added value solutions for our clients. We employ our integrated intervention system that incorporates the proven effectiveness of applied professional coaching with mentoring, training, and HR + organizational development consulting. That allows our clients to design, model, and learn to manage career strategies tailored to their particular needs and aspirations.


We share our values of confidentiality, professionalism, and trust with our clients in all our projects.


We will challenge you to think beyond the possible

plan estrategia carrera profesional

Career plan and strategy

Coaching ejecutivo y de equipos para el liderazgo

Executive and team

leadership Coaching

Creación y desarrollo de auténtica marca personal

Development of authentic

personal branding

Recolocación/outplacement Transiciones laborales

Outplacement / Career transitions

Búsqueda de empleo y preparación de candidatos para procesos de selección

Job search and preparation for recruitment processes

carrera profesional orientacion

Career re-orientation

Emprendizaje y startups

Entrepreneurship and startups

Orientation and preparation for MBA programs

Founded in 2006 Eurocoaching® is a global firm based in Madrid Spain

We work internationally, adapting to your global challenges